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River Bluff is a community where residents are treated like family, in an environment that promotes dignity, choice, independence and purpose. Our caring staff, restaurant-style dining experience, activities and beautiful setting create a wonderful living environment every day.

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Alzheimer's Support Group
Every Wednesday at 1PM
March 12 - April 16
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Community Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday April 12 at 10am
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ShortTerm ICON

Short-Term Rehabilitation/
Post Hospital

LongTerm ICON

Skilled Nursing

Altzheimers ICON

Alzheimer's and
Dementia Care

Hospice ICON

Hospice and


Breed: Brussels Griffon
Owner: Jodi K. Summeril, Rehab Nurse
Personality Traits: Thinks he’s Velcro, sticks to his Mommy like glue.
Funny habits: Likes to burrow himself under sofa pillows, blankets, etc.
Favorite Treats or Food: Everything that isn’t his own food

Belle Sky

Breed: Great Pyrenees
Owner: Laura Doise, Hospital Liaison
Personality Traits: She is the most loving dog – does extremely well with children – protective.
Training Achievements: Nothing LOL. Great Pyrenees are very stubborn; they do everything on their own time.
Favorite Treats or Food: Cheese


Breed: Brussels Griffon
Owner: Suzanne Jellings, MDS Coordinator
Personality Traits: She is a clingy dog and is always at my feet. She follows me everywhere in the house.
Favorite Activities: Playing with her brothers and sisters (dogs). Doing zoomies in the yard or around the house. Chewing up carpets and/or blankets.
Funny Habits: How she rules the house, even though all the other dogs are bigger than her. She’s the boss.

Charlie Rose

Breed: Border Collie
Owner: Jill Shockley, Administrator Assistant
Personality Traits: She is very smart, athletic, loving, and always eager to learn. She can learn a new trick/command in less than 5 repetitions.
Favorite Activities: Hiking, dog sports, obedience classes
Funny Habits: She tilts her head when you talk to her like she is really listening and instead of her herding my cats, the cats herd her


Breed: Boston Terrier
Owner: Teri Zimmerman, Admin
Personality Traits: Queen of the house
Favorite Activities: Play fetch and chew on empty water bottles and (hopefully) old shoes
Funny Habits: She doesn’t bark as much as she squeaks and loves to run in circles both in the house and outside


Breed: Olde English Bulldog
Owner: Sarah Merlo, Unit Coordinator
Personality Traits: Stephen is a 2-year-old Olde English Bulldog who loves to leap like a dolphin, play tag and fetch with his favorite toys, go for a swim, perform his best tricks for an audience, snuggle up his family and sleep in!


Breed: Australian Shepherd
Owner: Suzanne Jellings, MDS Coordinator
Personality Traits: She loves people and other animals. She could play for hours. She loves fetching her ball
and bringing it back to me. She could do this for hours. She’s a smart girl. Even if the ball is lost, she somehow finds it.
Favorite Activities: Playing with her brothers and sisters (dogs) and playing fetch with her ball.
Funny Habits: She lays down to drink water. She will keep picking her ball up and throwing it down in front of me, if I don’t engage in playing with her when she wants me to.
Favorite Treats: Dog biscuits

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